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Tips for Planning Your Next Long Distance Move

Moving long distance can be an extra tough endeavor, especially when you are unfamiliar with the area. Thankfully, your friends at the Liberty movers have gathered a few tips on making your upcoming long-distance move a smooth journey. Read along to learn our expert ideas for long distance moving with little stress or complication.

Move what is appropriate. If you live in Colorado but are moving to Florida, it’s likely you won’t have a need for a plethora of winter wear. Items can bulk up quickly in storage, so do your best to only take what you need. Find out about storage pricing versus how often these items will get use—it may be in your best interest to donate or sell the majority of it. This would also be an ideal time to get rid of things you haven’t gotten around to using or don’t ever plan to. Unloading clutter will be financially beneficial in terms of moving because it will cut down on moving efforts and it will end clutter in its tracks.

Learn where you are going. City regulations, pet restrictions, school districts and shopping areas are a few of the things you will want to school yourself on in preparation for your move. For example, some counties may deem it illegal to drive while talking on a cell phone and you could wind up with a hefty fine. Verse yourself on what the lifestyle is like where you are headed so there are not any unpleasant surprises.

Coordinate and confirm dates. Moving dates, move-in dates, delivery dates, moving truck rental periods or crew reservations so that everything can run smoothly the day of the move. Confirm arrival and reservation times and make sure there are no glitches or oversights in scheduling.

Cover your bases. Get everything from the companies that you are working with in writing, including the landlord or mortgage company you are working with. Having documentation in the face of a situation will be greatly helpful and should expedite and misunderstandings or confusion. Being prepared is something you should strive for!

Get the family on board. Make sure everyone knows what to expect (and what is expected of them) when moving day arrives. You’ll need everyone to pitch in, wake up early, and be efficient. If you have a pet, it might be a good idea to have them at a daycare facility so they don’t get anxiety from the bustle of moving. Pick a daycare that’s on the way out of town so you can simply pick them up and continue on your way!

We hope these tips help you in your upcoming long distance move. Best of luck!