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Liven Up Your Home for Winter

Although a move to Kansas City is exciting, moving during the cold winter months can leave your family feeling the winter blues while being cooped up indoors. If you and your family are finding yourselves stuck inside this season, use these tips from All My Sons Moving & Storage of Kansas City for ways to liven up your home during winter.

Brighten the light - Daylight is naturally darker during winter than in spring and summer months. If you find darker days to be depressing, try brightening the light in your home. Turn on more overhead lights and lamps, or use candles to add to the amount of light in each room. Our local Kansas City movers find the addition of candle light to also be comforting and happy.

Rearrange furniture - Even if you've just recently moved to Kansas City and into your new house, moving furniture around may be just what you need to feel at home. Rearranging furniture and moving pictures from one place to another is refreshing and breaths new life into stagnant parts of your house.

Light the fireplace - If you have a fireplace, light it and invite your family and friends to have an indoor camp out. Not only will the fireplace give off beautiful, natural lighting, but it will also be the perfect opportunity to sit around with pillows, blankets and snacks and bond with the people you love after moving to Kansas City.

Play games - If you have board games - great! Bring them out and have an afternoon full of friendly competition. No board games? No problem. Help your kids build an indoor fort or create an indoor obstacle course that will keep your kids entertained for hours.

Turn on music - Lift your family's spirits by playing upbeat, joyful music. Our local Kansas City movers suggest having your family members take turns picking songs. It's a great way to get the whole family involved and possibly bring on a laugh or two.

Bake something in the oven - Enlist your kids to help you whip up some freshly-baked cookies from your family's recipe book. The prepping process is fun for everyone and once you begin baking, your home will fill with a sweet smelling aroma that will warm everyone's hearts.

Plan a trip - If winter has you feeling blue after moving to Kansas City, start to plan your summer trip to somewhere tropical during summer. If a summer trip isn't in the budget this year, start to research things to do during spring and summer right here in Kansas City!

Watch a great comedy - Pick your favorite comedy movie, grab a bowl of popcorn and curl up on the couch with your loved ones for a good laugh. Watching a funny movie is a great way to get your mind off a gloomy day.

Go through old photographs - Reminisce on all the good times that have come and gone and discuss what new adventures are on the calendar after moving to Kansas City.