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Minimalist Living

Are you moving and really want to get rid of the majority of your belongings before you move, in order to live with a lot less stuff to clean and keep track of, or even worse - that you forget you even have? One of the most modern home trends is minimalist living. How do you go about living a minimalist lifestyle? First, if you are selling your home in order to move, consider downsizing your belongings now, because a minimalist appeal will help your home sell faster. Then, after you move, keep only the essentials, Atlanta movers have everything that you need to know about simplifying your life at home.

The most important tip when embarking on a simpler living style, is to declutter. As simple as this may sound, Atlanta movers know very well that it is not easy for most homeowners. You have to be able to detach your feelings from items that you may have had for a long time. However, the biggest roadblock tends to come from throwing away everything that you do not need - and we mean everything. Keep in mind that getting rid of everything is going to make your life much simpler in the long run.

Items that you definitely do not need in your home:

Place settings for 12

Specialized cleaning products - opt for vinegar and lemon

Matching nightstands and lamps - they do not have to match or can be gotten rid of as a whole

Knives - how many do you have? Most you can get rid of.

After you have gotten rid of all unnecessary items, it is important to train yourself to live with less. Humans are creatures of habit so this part may be difficult, but consciously asking yourself whether or not you actually need an item for your home is a great start. Our tip: always ask yourself whether or not you really need something - most of the time the answer is no. Another extremely important aspect to this rule is to indulge yourself with a few items that you absolutely love, rather than a ton of items that you just like. You can use this rule when it comes to buying furniture and décor for your new home - save and spend on a few items that you really, really enjoy, and you in turn, will not spend that same amount of money on a ton of items - cluttering up your house again. Allowing yourself to indulge in the larger, fewer items that you love, will also make your home more visually attractive, and you much happier.

Learn to re-use things. Rather than replacing everything that breaks - try fixing them first. Get creative on the things that you can re-use.

Minimalist living has many perks: you can save money, spend it on items that you love, live with less clutter and less stress, be surrounded only with items that you actually use, free up your mind, and even free up your time by not having to clean as often.