All My Sons Moving & Storage
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Last-Minute Moving Tips

What is more stressful than moving? Last-minute moving! But oftentimes you have no control over the situation. Whether you are moving for a new job, your home was compromised by a natural disaster, or you had a plumbing or electrical issue that forced you out, you will need to move your family and your belongings out quickly. Your Jacksonville movers are experts in this matter, and can guide you during this hectic process with some helpful moving tips.

Use Your Weakness as a Strength

The pressure is on. You only have a certain number of days to pack everything, so it is time to get rid of what you do not use. One of the benefits of a last-minute move is your willingness to chuck what you do not need. Can’t remember the last time you used it? Get rid of it! Whether it is clothing or accessories that you do not wear, your children’s old toys, furniture you never liked, or old collections of movies or music that you now stream, don’t pack it! Start a “throw away” and “donation” pile instead. This will make your load a lot lighter and you can also help out a family in need.

Moving Supplies

While it is entirely possible to get enough used boxes for free for your move, we recommend buying them if you are crunched for time. This way, you will be able to purchase the right amount of small, medium, large, and extra-large moving boxes, without having to waste precious time trying to find enough free ones (unless you already know of a local store that gets rid of them by the masses). You can also pick up the rest of your supplies like bubble wrap, tape, markers, box cutters, mattress covers and labels (if you want them) at the same store, or even better…don’t forget the dollar store!

Ask for Help

Moving is a big job, especially if it is a last-minute move. It is perfectly okay (and expected) for you to ask for help. Tell your close friends and family members your situation, and ask them to come by and help you pack. Each person can have their own job like wrapping up your dishes and glassware, folding clothes into boxes, or helping your kids with packing their rooms. Another idea is to give each person their own room to pack, so that the entire house can get packed faster. You can also call a charity to come and pick up your items for donation, so that you do not have to drive to them. You can even hire companies to come and pick up your garbage and designated junk items. They usually charge you based on the weight of what you are throwing out, so call around for a competitive rate; however, some cities have bulk trash day, so if you are moving before your next bulk trash day, kindly ask your neighbor if they can add your bulk trash to theirs.

Hire the Right Moving Company

The right moving company can make a big difference, especially when you are stressed with the details of a last-minute move. All My Sons Moving and Storage of Jacksonville has an experienced and professional team ready, to safely move you and your family to your new Jacksonville home. We understand your needs and we can assure you that customer satisfaction is our number one priority.

While moving without much notice can cause you to initially panic, don’t worry. With the right plan, moving tips. supplies, and help, your Jacksonville moving company can have you settled into your new home in no time.