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The Jacksonville Movers Explain Pocket Listings

Pocket listings in the real estate world refer to a home that's not listed in multiple-listing service. Instead the property is marketed directly by an agent or broker. It's a great way for people to keep things private, especially for celebrities selling their homes. They're not looking for countless people to view their personal space, go through their closets or even non-buyers staring at their residence's pictures online.With pocket listings, the Jacksonville moving specialists discovered that the seller and agent have more control over who knows that the house is for sale. The control who sees it as well. The Jacksonville movers found out that even non-celebrities are now more interested in pocket listings. These people don't want neighbors and others to know their business, they like to keep things under the radar. The more high-end a property is, the more likely pocket listings become an option. People going through divorce or after a death, or even high-powered executives and political figure will typically be attracted to this type of more private way to sell their home.Some agents are saying that pocket listings aren't really beneficial to buyers and sellers because they feel like people should have the most interest. That also creates competition, possibly higher offers. For some who are looking for the privacy, real estate agents that don't agree with pocket listings say there are ways to block the address from showing on multiple listing services. Home sellers can also require that buyers be pre-qualified for a loan before seeing their property online. Tours of the house in question can also be by appointment-only versus the very public open house. By going the pocket listing way, the seller also will never know what he or she could have gotten had they gone the mls way.Some people go to even greater lengths to remain private. The local Jacksonville movers learned there are people building websites solely for the purpose of selling their residence. Passwords are involved, confidentiality agreements and so on.Are you dealing with pocket listings at the moment? Are you getting ready to move out? If so, call All My Sons of Jacksonville for reliable moving services and a great price. We're part of the All My Sons Moving and Storage moving network and are backed by four generations of professional movers.